Love Story Competition

Love Story Competition

Submit your love story to win FREE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY! (WORTH £1800) Submit your love story (300-500 words) to by 10/12/2015 and win free wedding day photography service. Winner will be announced on and The Snapshot...
Venice Pre-Wedding / 威尼斯婚紗攝影

Venice Pre-Wedding / 威尼斯婚紗攝影

Interested in Destination Pre-Wedding photo trip? We have a special one-off-offer for 3 pairs of couples to enjoy pre-wedding shoot in Venice in Spring, 2024. Model package price only starts from HKD13500, which includes: – 6 hours photography (200 colour tuned...
Behind the levitation photo

Behind the levitation photo

We have just posted a picture on our Facebook page last week, showing couples floating in ‘sky temple’ in an engagement photo. From different meetings with this couples, we realised that they are fun-loving couples who love animation and comics. Thing...
Keep in touch!

Keep in touch!

Subscribe to our mailing list * indicates required First Name * Last Name Email Address * Contact Number Birthday / ( dd / mm ) Event Date / / ( dd / mm / yyyy ) Service Interested Wedding Photography Engagement Photography Post-Wedding Photography Hair & Make up...
Write for us

Write for us

We would like to invite all new writers and regular bloggers to write for our website’s blog. We are a photography and videography company. We also provide bridal hair and make up, gown styling services. Our website mainly serve engaged couples. We are looking...