Having recently worked with Tina and Edward (from The Snapshot Cafe) on a photoshoot for her bridal and evening dresses, I’m excited to be writing a guest blog post today!
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio]()
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio](https://i0.wp.com/www.thesnapshotcafe.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_6815-Edit-683x1024.jpg?resize=400%2C600)
I’m a British East Asian actor, who graduated from drama school last year. I had been acting in a part-time way previously but, finding that roles were few and far between for actors like me, decided to bite the bullet and add to my experience with some immersive, full-time training.
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio]()
It was a wise choice: during my training I had the inspiration for a show, “No More Lotus Flower!”, which was a comedic piece exploring the stereotyping and assumptions we deal with as East Asian actors. It played at the Camden People’s Theatre for the Camden Fringe Festival and, since then, I’ve enjoyed performing it at scratch nights at the Bush Theatre and Theatre N16.
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio]()
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio](https://i0.wp.com/www.thesnapshotcafe.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_6685-Edit-683x1024.jpg?resize=400%2C600)
It was a wise choice: during my training I had the inspiration for a show, “No More Lotus Flower!”, which was a comedic piece exploring the stereotyping and assumptions we deal with as East Asian actors. It played at the Camden People’s Theatre for the Camden Fringe Festival and, since then, I’ve enjoyed performing it at scratch nights at the Bush Theatre and Theatre N16.
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio](https://i0.wp.com/www.thesnapshotcafe.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_7045-Edit-683x1024.jpg?resize=400%2C600)
Acting and modelling, though separate fields, compliment each other as creative a medium, and I find that modelling is a great way to experience working with the camera in a different way. Acting and modelling both require you to tell a story, but, without the use of dialogue, the visual component is key. The angles of your body and frame, the lighting, and what you say with your eyes all bring together a story behind the picture. The aim of our photoshoot was to show off the selection of dresses that the Snapshot Café has in their repertoire, so frolicking in the wonderful fabrics around me was a great way to spend a Tuesday!
![British Born Chinese Actress Julie Cheung Inhin in The Snapshot Cafe Studio](https://i0.wp.com/www.thesnapshotcafe.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/IMG_7069-Edit-1024x512.jpg?resize=600%2C300)
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