The energetic bride demonstrated the ‘twirl’ technique! Just looks wonderful!

A cancelled Destination Wedding

What a fun-loving and friendly couple! This summer we have provided our photography and live stream video service to the lovely Finnish bride and Welsh groom in Mayfair, central London. Their wedding was supposed to be held in Finland. The bride has already arranged everything, but then, travel warning kicked in. At that time, if you want to travel to the UK without quarantine, you needed double vaccinations. This led to the absence of the bride’s brother, who could not get his second vaccination on time. For the guests who could not come, we have did a simple live-stream for them on the couple’s Facebook wedding page.

Give the classic walking shot a twist. Let’s just run for fun.
Then the couple showed us their vision – have the groom jumped!

Wedding photos about YOU

Some couples have ideas in their minds and would love us to make their dreams come true. This is what we like to do – collaborate with our couples! These photos truely represent the couple’s personality and chemistry. We are very happy with the outcome. It is also because the couple is very photogenic. Most importantly, they have a bunch of fun-loving guests as well!

The groom was wearing his Fireman ceremonial uniform. The bride was wearing a champagne maxi dress in silk with a pair of glitter canvas shoes! We love these two outfits as they showed who the bride and groom really are.

The Special venue in Central London

The bride is a chef works for Finnish ambassador. We were so lucky to be able to take some special photos for her and her firefighter groom in the kitchen she works in. We have took a photo showing the bride firing up some onion when the groom pretend getting ready to put out the fire! They both work with ‘fire’! The groom’s colleagues came with their special ceremonial uniform. And they have so much fun together!

Another typical shot with a spin – kick your leg up lady!
A must-have shot for every bride – show the back of the dress
More outdoor couple portraits. We chose a place with the buildings’ colour matching with the dress!
More ‘typical’ shots and ‘creative’ shots.

About the Live-Stream

The couple’s Finnish family cannot come over to England. We helped them to do a simple live stream for their wedding ceremony on Facebook. Their online guests came online and congratulate them. It is ashamed the overseas guests cannot come over, but they received lots of blessings.

Except the guests in Finland watching the ceremony on Facebook, we had these wonderful guests joining us. They included the Welsh family from the groom’s side and the workmates of the bride.
The rings and groom’s hat
The dress on staircase

Venues for ceremony and banquet

Their wedding ceremony was held in a luxurious house in Mayfair. We took their couple portraits in the Ambassador’s Residence located in Kensington Palace Gardens, and their wedding banquet was held a stylish, quirky restaurant – Beach Blanket Babylon in Notting Hill.

A decent venue – a terrace house in Mayfair
The first look on the terrace
A kiss on the staircase
We set this up for the groom and bride to have some fun in the bathtub for the photos. When everyone saw this, they all wanted some photos in it.
The groom and groom’s father
The mother of the groom and mother of the bride
Sister of the groom and her boyfriend
Beach Blanket Babylon in Notting Hill


We wish them a happy married life forever. Hope that we can meet them up to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future. If you have some ideas about your wedding shoot, do feel free to contact us. We can discuss the ways making them a reality. Thank you!

Love to play with mirrors
The groom’s wedding ring, engagement ring and the bride’s wedding ring