Sweet Intimate Wedding in Beddington Park

Sweet Intimate Wedding in Beddington Park

We have provided wedding photography and videography service for a friendly British couple and their beautiful 2 sons on their very merry wedding day in South London. This is another Covid wedding story for us. The couple has waited a year for the government to relax...
Beddington Park Engagement Shoot

Beddington Park Engagement Shoot

It is not hard to notice if a couple is deeply in love or not. Their body language tells all. Sometimes, we hold ourselves back because of the lack of confidence in front of camera. But this couple just doesn’t care the camera much and be themselves. Just like...
Marrying a Sweetheart

Marrying a Sweetheart

We provided wedding photography service to this beautiful Filipino bride and British groom this Spring in Hillingdon Register Office, Uxbridge, West London. We also provided an engagement photography service to this sweet couple just a couple of month ago before their...
Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

By Tina, lead photographer Recently, I saw a post popped up on my Facebook feed written by my sister who has lost her husband who suffered from brain cancer last year, “Love, in Time”. Somehow we all take it for granted about being loved and be able to love someone...